Web brief Step 1 of 5 20% This is a multipage form that collects a majority of you business’ details. Please ensure that you are prepared with details regarding your business, website address(domain) and hosting information.Contact DetailsBusiness nameBusiness address Street Address Address Line 2 City State Postcode Best contact numberMain contact person First Last Email Current website Do you have any other website addresses (domains) that redirect to your current site? Yes No Please provide the addresses for 3 websites that you like – these will act as style cues for us when designing your siteDo you have a deadline that you need to meet? Yes No Deadline detailsThree URLs that you like like (to act as style cues for us when choosing a design direction for you)Is this for an existing site or brand new?* Existing Brand New Existing site improvementsWhat do you dislike about your current site? Hard to navigate Looks dated Information is hard to udnerstand or out of date Other Other things I/we dislike about our current site?Does your current site require any extra functionality? E-coomerce Shop Email Newsletter signup Image Gallery Improved / more forms Other Other site functionalityChange site structure Do you wish to change your site structure SitemapAccepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.Please upload a basic diagram that describes how you would like navigation on your website.Do you wish to change your site's content? Yes No New content for existing site Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Please upload all the new page content you wish to update. (Don’t attach imagery inside of your Word Document, these need to be attached a separate files) Brand New WebsiteBrand new site mapMax. file size: 50 MB.Please upload a basic diagram that describes how you would like navigation on your website.New site contentMax. file size: 50 MB.Attach a Word doc with content for all pages.New site images Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: png, jpg, Max. file size: 50 MB. Attach high resolution Jpegs or PNGs (minimum file size of 500kb). Do not insert into Word/Excel as they will be compressed.Documents Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB. Please attach documents that you want to add to your website Home page contentSlider messagesWhat messages would you like us to use for your slider (rotating message carousel at the top of the page – these messages should represent the first 3 things you want prospects to see/are of greatest interest to buyers)?Priority messagesIn order or priority, what are the next 10 things you’d like to tell prospects when they arrive on the site (this will help us to arrange your home page content in the most effective manner)? TechnicalWhat email would you like for your contact form? What email address would you like used for your administration account? (should be different from contact form to minimise spam) Do you have enough high resolution imagery for the site Yes No Images should be large in file size and in dimensions. If required you may need to supply these via the mailbigfile serviceStock image requirement I’m ok with up to 10 images ($250) I’m ok with up to 20 images ($500) Do you have an IT contact person you can put us in touch with? IT Company In-house IT Please supply your contact’s name, email and phone number. Please also alert your contact that we will be in touch with them to organise your site going liveIT contact name First Last IT contact email IT contact phonePlease list the best contact person below so that we can ask them to action what we requireIn-house IT contact name First Last In-house IT Email In-house IT phoneDo you know where your domain(web address) and/or website is hosted through Yes No Domain(website address) Hosting Company Address One of our team members will contact you directly in order to obtain the required domain logins.Website Hosting Address One of our team members will be in contact with you to obtain your hosting detailsKnown detailsPlease provide us with any information that you have received from either your domain name provide or website hosting company (Please restrain from including usernames and passwords)Consent I have signed up to Go CardlessPlease sign up here https://pay.gocardless.com/AL0001ZPYGD07VPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ